365 Entrepreneur: Mizhani Movement
365 Entrepreneur: Mizhani Movement
Day 78
Tiara Walton
If you wrote a book, what would you call these three chapters: the first chapter, the last one and the current one? The first chapter of the book would be from the ages of 17-28 and I would call that chapter, Lost and Turned Out. The current chapter would be called Balancing Karma and the last chapter of the book I would call it SAVED!
Tell us about the name change which is actually a name return right?
Transitioning back into who I would have been had I never gone astray is why I chose to change my name back to Tiara Walton. Once I discovered that there is so much in a name, I had to honor my mother by returning back to the one she loved.
What was the moment you knew you were done working in the club?
I was in Pittsburgh and it was my last show. I believe it was MLK weekend and all I felt was the spiritual world having its way with me. I was paranoid and confused. I felt like I was having out of body experiences looking at myself through different eyes!
For those that aren’t familiar, can you describe the type of income you made and the time period it took to make it and how you peacefully walked away from your position?
I was making anywhere from $1,500 -$3,000 just to walk in the club and then once I performed, I was making maybe $2,000 in tips on stage. I don’t feel like I did it peacefully. I believe that I was at war with not only myself at the present moment but I was fighting for my future self. So when I heard the voice of God, I heard him say “CHOOSE THIS DAY WHO YOU WILL SERVE“ it definitely wasn’t easy. I mean I quit smoking weed and having sex all at the same time.
Even before you left, you coupled your social status with your business acumen to create opportunities for others. Can you tell us about some of these things and what kind of business success stories came out of Network to Networth?
Lord, I don’t want to sound arrogant when I say this, or write this or when they read this lol, but WHAT YOU SEE TODAY ON TELEVISION and ON SOCIAL MEDIA is a brain-child of Network to Networth. I was a stripper but I was also one of one. My gift was discernment. I knew back then who and what would last for decades. The designers, the hairstylists, the makeup artists, they have all continued to build their network through constant collaborations. Wow, that felt good to actually realize.
When did you realize your poetry would touch other people in addition to being therapy for you?
Well I think I have always been able to strike a nerve with people using my thought process, but I believe that poetry is an art form that someone that was as popular as I was could really benefit from. It’s not about how many people you touch it’s about the message you deliver when you are finally heard.
How do you decide your subject matter?
A lot of times I will put a post up on the gram and say, write a title or subject you want to read a poem on, and my followers tell me what they need and I give them that. It’s an even exchange.
What can we look forward to reading in The SOULcial issue?
The SOULcial issue is going to ignite a fire in you that you never knew you had. It’s going to wake you up and calm you down all at the same time. It’s going to be just what you never knew you needed.
What makes you relate to a writer to the point where you feel like their message matches your mission for The SOULcial Issue?
The SOULcial Club is a community, this is for us. We all relate through trauma and we all resonate with the desire to heal. As a poet you carry a responsibility to heal.
How have you been spending your time in quarantine?
I’ve been writing. Working on the SOULcial issue, recording poetry, and getting my life together! LOL!
Has COVID-19 touched anyone close to you directly?
I lost an older cousin and her husband passed while she was in a coma. She never knew he passed away.
What other businesses are you working on?
Honestly, I’m working on my soul more than any business or brand. That’s why the SOULcial club means so much to me. It’s my souls work. My passion. My purpose.