Events — second annual
Butter : A Fine Art Fair
2022 A Fine Art Exhibit Black Excellence Butter Events Gang Gang Culture GangGang It's Butter Baby Keepers of the culture second annual
This Labor Day Weekend in Indianapolis,IN, @GangGangCulture presents it's second annual Butter: A Fine Art Fair. Now from Sept 1st to Sept 4th, Butter is showcasing the works of more than 50 Black visual artists from across the country. Back by popular demand, BUTTER invites guests to see and experience art in new, more equitable ways, pushing boundaries by elevating Black artists in the national conversation. (Source : GangGang Culture website) Butter's VIP Night was an amazing start to the weekend. Night 1 - Black Artists made well over 100,000 profit for pieces displayed in the gallery. GangGang Culture doesn't charge a...