Inked: Cam Ohso

Le'Deana Brown 5150 artist cam cameron dixon hola oh ohso popeye rapper so tatted tattoo

The artist is often also the canvas. This is for sure the case when it comes to rapper/tattoo creative Cam Ohso. Check out the story behind some of his favorite tattoos along with his new video here. 


I got Popeye because I was always the little guy fighting the bigger fellas so I took a liking to Popeye. He never wanted to fight, but he always could fight and that’s me.

The time capsule tattoo symbolizes the time I did in prison.The 51-50 means crinally insane. It just means I have no filter. No fear of the consequences behind my actions. That can be bad sometimes.

IG: @Cam_ohso_tatted


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