First Round Draft Picks — pick

First Round Draft Picks: Vino and Rico

draft first pick rico round vino

First Round Draft Picks: Vino and Rico

Real life music. The Struggle. Things people go through every day. Not being able to come up with the rent, people crossing you, your girl leaving you while you’re locked up, murder charges. The things people don’t talk about. Then we talk about the things that happen after all that. It’s not just about “shoot em up bang bang” it’s like “what happens after the bang?” 

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1st Round Draft Pick: Tone Trapper

draft first love new pick run streets tone trapper

1st Round Draft Pick: Tone Trapper

What do we get to know about Tone Trapper when listening to your music? I rap and I sing. So all of my projects are a mixture of both and letting the listener get to know me personally. My sound is all me, I ain’t trying to be like nobody else. I don't try to be all gangster. I touch on a little bit of everything in my music. The lead single from Straight from the Gutter is called “Run the Streets.”

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