Le'Deana's Letters

Letter from the editor: Leak Awards 2020

Editor leak awards ledeana Letter

Letter from the editor: Leak Awards 2020

With all that’s going on in the world right now, you may have noticed our honorees are really getting to work showing you all even more confirmation as to how they absolutely deserve to be honored. We will continue to share interviews with them and updates on their efforts amid this pandemic. 🏆

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McDonald’s, Hot 96.3 Black History Podcast: LeDeana Brown


McDonald’s, Hot 96.3 Black History Podcast: LeDeana Brown

Click to watch an interview with Midwest Leak Magazine editor, Le’Deana Brown, and BSwift of Hot 96.3 on telling our own stories, the Leak Awards and more!

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Letter from @LeDeana: Losing Leland

leland Letter

Letter from @LeDeana: Losing Leland

Hello friends, Since the last time I talked to you guys I’ve had some life altering experiences take place. It hasn’t been easy bouncing back as someone so strong would like to always expect it to be. My family has changed and will never be the same. While I know the worst of things happen to the best of people, it doesn’t make it any easier to accept.   Saying goodbye to my baby brother is one of most piercing of pains I have experienced so far. It's not just the feeling of trying desperately to transfer my warmth to...

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