Letter from @LeDeana: Losing Leland
Hello friends,
Since the last time I talked to you guys I’ve had some life altering experiences take place. It hasn’t been easy bouncing back as someone so strong would like to always expect it to be. My family has changed and will never be the same. While I know the worst of things happen to the best of people, it doesn’t make it any easier to accept.
Saying goodbye to my baby brother is one of most piercing of pains I have experienced so far. It's not just the feeling of trying desperately to transfer my warmth to him by rubbing his cold hands or the visual of the casket being closed and sealing the deal that it would be my last time seeing my brother. It's not just watching the strongest man I've ever known in my life, my father, have his heart broken before my eyes and trying to be strong for him. It's that Leland didn't get to experience life. He didn't get to get married, have kids, etc. He did, however get to leave his mark on the world through the lives he touched and the smiles he shared. My brother was loved and the tears can't help but be accompanied by smiles at the memories he left us all with.
Ultimately, God is in control of the plan he has for our lives and the ups and downs and twists and turns are all a part of a bigger picture we won’t see until it’s done. Let’s just remember tomorrow isn’t promised and the people we love aren’t all going to stay with us for always. The memories will though so make them count!
Thank you for your well wishes. We hope to help Leland live on through his memorial. Click here to learn more about it. Also, my brother was so proud to help with the launch of the LOVE Indiana tee series and you can see him featured rocking one of the shirts here.
I promise to #LiveLoveLaughforLeland
Love, Le’Deana
In Loving Memory of my brother, Leland Dean Brown, Jr.
1 comment
Le’Deana, what a beautifiul tribute to your little brother. Through my tears, you brought a smile. Your Love shines through every word you speak or print. It was obvious the love you shared was beautiful and the loss for you was devastating, and will not soon go away. I keep you and all of the family in my Prayers.
Love you, Gram