First Round Draft Picks

First Round Draft Picks: Super Certified Bros

First Round Draft Picks: Super Certified Bros

This is me, this is my lane, and this is what my creations are meant to sound like. Real certified music. 

First Round Draft Picks: Super Certified Bros

This is me, this is my lane, and this is what my creations are meant to sound like. Real certified music. 

Lil Indiana on Upscale Trapping

Lil Indiana on Upscale Trapping

 I feel like I have the swag, the face, the look of Indiana. I’m Arlington bound, but I’m Indiana. I’m representing for everybody. 

Lil Indiana on Upscale Trapping

 I feel like I have the swag, the face, the look of Indiana. I’m Arlington bound, but I’m Indiana. I’m representing for everybody. 

First Round Draft Pick: SKdotP

First Round Draft Pick: SKdotP

"You know the saying, ‘dot your i’s and cross your t’s?’ Instead of doing that I put a clever twist and dotted my whole name instead of just my “i”...

First Round Draft Pick: SKdotP

"You know the saying, ‘dot your i’s and cross your t’s?’ Instead of doing that I put a clever twist and dotted my whole name instead of just my “i”...