365 Entrepreneur — children

365 Entrepreneur: Children Express Care Clinic

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365 Entrepreneur: Children Express Care Clinic

365 Entrepreneur Day 24

Children Express Care Clinic

Representation matters. Whether Taquita Townsend is prescribing treatment for a teen at Children Express Care Clinic or painting glitter polish on the nails of a little lady at a Darling Divas Spa party the young faces light up the same when they find out she’s the owner. Realizing that someone that looks like them is doing something they didn’t even know was possible can be the inspiration that raises the bar on the goals of the next generation and she believes that’s worth working hard for. 

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Community: Munford Cares Initiative, Aspiring to Inspire

cares children community munford outreach youth

Community: Munford Cares Initiative, Aspiring to Inspire

 I was that child without a father in the home. I witnessed domestic violence in my household. I saw my mother work night and day to make sure we didn’t go without. I was the book smart, nerdy kid just trying to fit in. I was the popular kid that everybody followed. I was the sports star.

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