365 Entrepreneur — maxie

365 Entrepreneur: Keepers of Culture

alan amos art asante ashley brown culture dixon epps fox gang ivey keepers mali mariah maxie mike mural nora rob stutz vivica

365 Entrepreneur: Keepers of Culture

365 Entrepreneur: Keepers of Culture

Day 108

On this day, 9/1/2021 we dedicate the 365 Entrepreneur column to the collective of individuals that are all involved in the Keepers of Culture mural. 

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365 Entrepreneur: Nap or Nothing

maxie nap nothing

365 Entrepreneur: Nap or Nothing

365 Entrepreneur: Nap or Nothing Shop

Episode 38


To be able to express your creativity and monetize your art at the same time is skill many seek but is not easy to master. Maxie has turned his rap hustle into a full fledged clothing brand and a store which has become a staple in the Indianapolis community with the Nap or Nothing Shop. 



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