365 Entrepreneur — issue

365 Entrepreneur: Mizhani Movement

detroit issue miami mizhani movement soulcial tiara walton

365 Entrepreneur: Mizhani Movement

365 Entrepreneur: Mizhani Movement

Day 78

Tiara Walton

 When did you realize your poetry would touch other people in addition to being therapy for you?

Well I think I have always been able to strike a nerve with people using my thought process, but I believe that poetry is an art form that someone that was as popular as I was could really benefit from. It’s not about how many people you touch it’s about the message you deliver when you are finally heard.

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365 Entrepreneur: Wiz of Magnifiscents

2017 achievement album awards daniels honey issue issues jack leak lifetime magnifiscents music store winner wiz

365 Entrepreneur: Wiz of Magnifiscents

365 Entrepreneur

Day 52

Wiz, Magnifiscents

From Magnifiscents to Issues the album to Smoke 1 to pouring into the next generation of entrepreneurs every chance he gets, Wiz is pushing forward in the entrepreneurial spirit day to day, year to year, decade to decade. 


“I’m rich with peace….Y’all don’t know the pain I went through surviving the winter in my 20s selling incense and oils. I had stopped hustling...I felt like I had to make an initial sacrifice to make this work. Now I help other people with their businesses. I feel good about that.”

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365 Entrepreneur: Worm

90 concert cover dj family father fatherhood future hangtime indianapolis issue lit media mef midwest party promoter social son story worm

365 Entrepreneur: Worm

365 Entrepreneur

Day 48


If we are not actively preparing the next generation to have the torch passed to them, we are extinguishing the flame on our future. While making a way for ourselves we have to be simultaneously creating a way for others that will stand the test of time. This way our kids have something to look forward to and a legacy to build upon.

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