365 Entrepreneur — promoter

365 Entrepreneur: SLIM of Loose Cannon Ent

arena cannon concert crown emergency is loose lou louis mine missouri of party promoter slim st state stl win

365 Entrepreneur: SLIM of Loose Cannon Ent

365 Entrepreneur

Day 84


And now a word from the St Louis landlord:

Q: How is St Louis yours?

A: I bought it on foreclosure about ten years ago. I’m dead serious. I run it, it is what it is. Actually, I was born into it. My name is Slim and that’s how I got the name St Louis Is Mine. God did that, God and my daddy.


When S.L.I.M. says “Saint Louis Is Mine,” there’s no argument on most ends. Somethings coming up soon. We can feel it. And we need the exclusive. Lol! 

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365 Entrepreneur: Worm

90 concert cover dj family father fatherhood future hangtime indianapolis issue lit media mef midwest party promoter social son story worm

365 Entrepreneur: Worm

365 Entrepreneur

Day 48


If we are not actively preparing the next generation to have the torch passed to them, we are extinguishing the flame on our future. While making a way for ourselves we have to be simultaneously creating a way for others that will stand the test of time. This way our kids have something to look forward to and a legacy to build upon.

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