365 Entrepreneur

365 Entrepreneur: House of Color

365 Entrepreneur: House of Color

365 Entrepreneur: House of Color Day 103 What started as decorating for a friend’s baby shower has turned into a luxury event production company for creator Brittany Ayers.

365 Entrepreneur: House of Color

365 Entrepreneur: House of Color Day 103 What started as decorating for a friend’s baby shower has turned into a luxury event production company for creator Brittany Ayers.

365 Entrepreneur: Public House

365 Entrepreneur: Public House

365 Entrepreneur Day 11 Sharmaine Cooper, founder of Public House Sharmaine’s Gourmet corn is sold exclusively on weekends at the Public House, her new restaurant located at 4002 Boulevard Place...

365 Entrepreneur: Public House

365 Entrepreneur Day 11 Sharmaine Cooper, founder of Public House Sharmaine’s Gourmet corn is sold exclusively on weekends at the Public House, her new restaurant located at 4002 Boulevard Place...